Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Affordable Care Act and Clarence Thomas

      June 28, 2012 The High Court upheld The Affordable Care Act in a 5 to 4 ruling.  The measure having been dubbed Obama-care requires Americans to carry Health Insurance.  The High Court ruled that requiring Americans to carry Health Insurance is valid as a tax, though it is impermissible under the Constitution's commerce clause.  Clarence Thomas dissented as usual with his conservative counterparts Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Anthony Kennedy.
     Clarence Thomas, only the second African American to sit on the High Court voting record reflect anything but his experience of being Black in America.  Maybe if he continue to vote in this manner, it will some how cause him to contract the disease Vitiligo that causes its victims to turn White. 
     Clarence Thomas was born in a Predominantly Black community founded by Freedmen after the end of the Civil War.  Pin Point, Ga the town he lived in lacked a sewage system and paved roads.  He was number 2 of 3 children born to M.C. Thomas, a farm worker, and Leola Williams a domestic worker.  They were descendants of slaves and spoke the Gullah language.  Two of Thomas's slave ancestors Sandy and Peggy were born the end of the 1800's and were owned by a wealthy Liberty, Georgia planter Josiah Wilson.  Thomas's father left his family when Thomas was 2 years old, leaving Thomas's mother to fend for the family while being paid pennies.  After being left homeless because of a house fire, Thomas along with his younger brother Myers went to live with his mothers parents in Savannah, Georgia.  At the age of 7 Thomas was sent to live with his maternal grandparents Myers and Christine Anderson. 
     Perhaps Thomas acquired the beginning's of his Black Conservative values from his grandfather who ran a successful fuel/oil business.  He believed in hard work and self reliance.  Thomas refers to his grandfather as the greatest man he ever knew.  Thomas was the only Black at his high school and a honor student.  He also was the first Black to attend St. Vianney's Minor Seminary in Savanah on the Isle of Hope.  He did not value his Yale Law Degree as much because when evaluated by whites, they cheapened it by saying that he did not receive his education because he was intelligent, but because of Affirmative Action.  Thomas was influenced by Thomas Sowell's book Race and Economics that criticized social reforms by the government and essentially argued for historically disadvantaged citizens pulling themselves up by their boot straps.  As Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from 1982 til 1990 he promoted a doctrine of self reliance and stopped the filings of class action lawsuits that held employers accountable for their discrimination practices.  In 1984 Thomas said that Black leaders were "watching the destruction of our race" as they "bitch, bitch, bitch" about President Reagan instead of Uncle Toming and doing the Sambo Shuffle.  Oh, I meant to say instead of working with the Reagan Administration to alleviate teenage pregnancy, unemployment and illiteracy. 
     Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Scalia had an 87.7 percent voting alignment from 1994 to 2004, the highest on the court which peaked in 1996, at 97.7.  There does not seem to be a change in his skin tone.  The last picture of him and the rest of the justices showed a more grey haired Thomas with no change in his dark skinned complexion.  Also Thomas was the third most dissenting Justice on the court, behind Scalia and Stevens from 1994 to 2004.
     Clarence Thomas is an example of many Super Negros that come from humble beginnings, educated themselves, succeeded, then forgot from whence they came.  They give maximum effort proving they belong on the same level as whites and are removed form their race and community in hope of reaching, in their own minds, the most lofty of goals; total assimilation.  Unfortunately, for them all of the Boot Licking and Buck Dancing will not change the color of their skin.  Fortunately for America Justice Clarence Thomas's vote did not keep true Justice from rolling down like a mighty stream.