Thursday, July 5, 2012

Super Negro

From the farther reaches of outer space has come an almighty Super Mero.  With both male and female attributes; It hales from planet Negrown in the Pork Chop Galaxy.  Where Self Serving and Self Absorbed Negros are not hatched or born; they are grown.  Once grown, they go through rigorous training.  They must be certified fools of Self Promoting Trickery, Manipulating Thievery, Righteous Indignation, Hypocrisy, and strive to reach very low heights by selling out their own kind for little or nothing. So here it comes!  Able to avoid the truth at all costs, able to misrepresent itself without having to think, lies roll off its tongue like water rushing down a mighty stream. Its a rented Bentley, its running off with the Churches Building Fund, or Federal Student Financial Aid, and leading Gods Sheep to the slaughter.  Its not a Voter Registration Drive or Coopertive Economics.   Its Super Negro!!!