Thursday, July 5, 2012

There Seems To Be A Problem Standing Your Ground In Florida If You Are Black

Here is another case of the Bitch pulling down her blindfold and taking a peek at who is in line for Justice.  The Bitch I am speaking of is the symbol of the American Justice System.  A female holding a scale with a blindfold on as not to be able to see any individual standing in line to receive Justice under the Laws of these United States.  This symbol of the United States Justice System does not know if one is rich or poor and can not judge what race or ethnic background one is from.  But in the case of Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, she has said to hell with this blindfold and has decided to view all involved.
     Marissa Alexander shot at a wall to run off her abusive husband because she felt threatened.  No one was injured, but in early May of 2012 a northeast Florida judge sentenced her to 20 years in Prison.  She was denied her right to protect herself by standing her ground.  She was sentenced under Florida's 10-20 Law.  When she fired her gun not a soul was injured, but she was charged under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws for firing a gun.  The act was viewed as a Felony.
     Trevor Dooley another Black citizen of Florida was denied immunity under the Stand Your Ground Law.  The Law is Suppose to allow a citizen to defend him or her self if they feel threatened.  Deadly Force can be used in accordance with this Law.  Mr. Dooley shot and killed David James in a dispute over a youth Skateboarding on a Basketball Court.  Mr. Dooley stated that he felt threatened while Mr. James had his hands around his neck choking him.  His trial is set for the 4th of September.
     Jeb Bush signed the Stand Your Ground Law in 2005.  The Bill was written by former Senator Durell Peaden and co sponsered by Rep. Dennis Baxley.  The Bill was heavily supported by the National Rifle Association and The American Legislative Exchange Council; a so called nonpartisan individual membership organization of state legislators which favor Federalism and Conservative Public Policy Solutions.  Draw your own conclusion.  David and Charles Koch (coke) multi-billionaires, funders of the Tea Party and against the reduction of Air Pollution also backed  Stand your Ground Legislation.  The Koch brothers benefited from the 2009 Supreme Court decision that grants person-hood to Corporations.  This gives them the power to support Ultra Conservative politions without being detected.  In 2010 the Supreme Court ruled that Unions and Corporations could spend an unlimited amount of money on Campaign Advertising.  The Koch Brothers are anti Union and is contributing what they can to dismantle Unions.  Former Senator Peaden stated that Zimmerman has no protection under his Law because he ignored the 911 Operator and followed Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 which resulted in Zimmerman allegedly shooting and killing Trayvon Martin.  Many states have a Chastle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground Law.  Alaska, Arizona, California, and Georgia.  If Zimmerman is convicted while claiming to be covered under Stand Your Ground, the Florida Law may be in jeopardy.
     Routers wrote, "Critics say the measure could lead to Racially Motivated killings and promote deadly escalations of arguments."  Since the Trayvon Martin shooting, Stand Your Ground Law cases in Florida have gone form 13 to 36 or more. With the Stand Your Ground Law, the burden of Proof is with the prosecution to prove with a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not shoot in self defense.