Thursday, July 5, 2012

Not Alot For Your Dollar These Days

It is extremely hard in these though economic times to get what you pay for when buying Fast Food and using Vending Machines. When I visit Fast Food Restaurants and use Vending Machines, I recall my childhood and teenage years in the seventies and eighties and not only remember what a dollar was worth, but I remember the quality and quantity a dollar did purchase in those days. I can see it all now! I am riding in the car with my parents and siblings and we are on our way to McDonald's to get The Real Big Mac. We never ate fast food too often so my taste buds were running in to each other and my stomach was doing flip flops the night before in anticipation of those two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Back then McDonald's had the best French Fries known to man and you had to eat your burger and fries first because by the time you finish, you may be able to get your thick chocolate Milk Shake to come through the straw. Now fast forward 25 years to the present. I was never so disappointed in my life when I thought I would relive my childhood by eating a Big Mac. The quality of fast food has really declined. My guess is that the fast food industry wanted to maximize profits, so they made eating fast food more affordable and could not deliver the same quality they once did. At a glance the sandwich looked nothing like the sandwich they advertise on television. You know the sandwich that you can actually see the meat and cheese between the three pieces of bread. When I bit into the Low Budget Big Mac, the meat was so thin that I nearly chocked on the bread and special sauce. When I opened the bread up to see what was inside, the meat was so thin that I could see through it. And those fries that use to be so good are a shadow of their former selves. I wonder what they are made of? My son dropped some in the car when he was three. I found them when I was cleaning it out and they looked the same as they did when they were bought. As for the shakes, they are average at best.
When It comes to vending machines there is not a whole lot to say accept that I bought a bag of chips the other day and when I made my selection and the machine dispensed the brand of potato chips I selected, they floated down from the space they where in. It seems to me that the smaller the candy bar or potato chips, the more expensive they are. In this economic climate, it is tough for companies to stay a float with operating cost going up along with fuel prices and the American consumer is trying to be convinced that less is more.
When it comes to fast food. Most of the major players in the fast food industry shot themselves in the foot when they made their food so affordable Americans could eat it nearly every night. Super Sizing everything caused stomachs to become so big that they had to dumb down their food or cook it in different oil. Now the food has less flavor, but still popular because the present generation and the generation after mine never experienced the taste of the Real Big Mac, Good KFC Chicken, Wendy's real thick and juicy burgers and Burger Kings original Whooper.

There Seems To Be A Problem Standing Your Ground In Florida If You Are Black

Here is another case of the Bitch pulling down her blindfold and taking a peek at who is in line for Justice.  The Bitch I am speaking of is the symbol of the American Justice System.  A female holding a scale with a blindfold on as not to be able to see any individual standing in line to receive Justice under the Laws of these United States.  This symbol of the United States Justice System does not know if one is rich or poor and can not judge what race or ethnic background one is from.  But in the case of Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, she has said to hell with this blindfold and has decided to view all involved.
     Marissa Alexander shot at a wall to run off her abusive husband because she felt threatened.  No one was injured, but in early May of 2012 a northeast Florida judge sentenced her to 20 years in Prison.  She was denied her right to protect herself by standing her ground.  She was sentenced under Florida's 10-20 Law.  When she fired her gun not a soul was injured, but she was charged under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws for firing a gun.  The act was viewed as a Felony.
     Trevor Dooley another Black citizen of Florida was denied immunity under the Stand Your Ground Law.  The Law is Suppose to allow a citizen to defend him or her self if they feel threatened.  Deadly Force can be used in accordance with this Law.  Mr. Dooley shot and killed David James in a dispute over a youth Skateboarding on a Basketball Court.  Mr. Dooley stated that he felt threatened while Mr. James had his hands around his neck choking him.  His trial is set for the 4th of September.
     Jeb Bush signed the Stand Your Ground Law in 2005.  The Bill was written by former Senator Durell Peaden and co sponsered by Rep. Dennis Baxley.  The Bill was heavily supported by the National Rifle Association and The American Legislative Exchange Council; a so called nonpartisan individual membership organization of state legislators which favor Federalism and Conservative Public Policy Solutions.  Draw your own conclusion.  David and Charles Koch (coke) multi-billionaires, funders of the Tea Party and against the reduction of Air Pollution also backed  Stand your Ground Legislation.  The Koch brothers benefited from the 2009 Supreme Court decision that grants person-hood to Corporations.  This gives them the power to support Ultra Conservative politions without being detected.  In 2010 the Supreme Court ruled that Unions and Corporations could spend an unlimited amount of money on Campaign Advertising.  The Koch Brothers are anti Union and is contributing what they can to dismantle Unions.  Former Senator Peaden stated that Zimmerman has no protection under his Law because he ignored the 911 Operator and followed Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 which resulted in Zimmerman allegedly shooting and killing Trayvon Martin.  Many states have a Chastle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground Law.  Alaska, Arizona, California, and Georgia.  If Zimmerman is convicted while claiming to be covered under Stand Your Ground, the Florida Law may be in jeopardy.
     Routers wrote, "Critics say the measure could lead to Racially Motivated killings and promote deadly escalations of arguments."  Since the Trayvon Martin shooting, Stand Your Ground Law cases in Florida have gone form 13 to 36 or more. With the Stand Your Ground Law, the burden of Proof is with the prosecution to prove with a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not shoot in self defense. 

Super Negro

From the farther reaches of outer space has come an almighty Super Mero.  With both male and female attributes; It hales from planet Negrown in the Pork Chop Galaxy.  Where Self Serving and Self Absorbed Negros are not hatched or born; they are grown.  Once grown, they go through rigorous training.  They must be certified fools of Self Promoting Trickery, Manipulating Thievery, Righteous Indignation, Hypocrisy, and strive to reach very low heights by selling out their own kind for little or nothing. So here it comes!  Able to avoid the truth at all costs, able to misrepresent itself without having to think, lies roll off its tongue like water rushing down a mighty stream. Its a rented Bentley, its running off with the Churches Building Fund, or Federal Student Financial Aid, and leading Gods Sheep to the slaughter.  Its not a Voter Registration Drive or Coopertive Economics.   Its Super Negro!!!   

Will We Ever Learn???

Headlines! Detroit Mayor Arrested for Perjury and Obstruction.  Morris Brown College Lost its Accreditation and Federal Funding due to Financial Mismanagement.  Atlanta Public Schools on Probation amists CRCT Cheating Scandal. 

It looks like some Blacks in positions of authority and great responsibility is suffering from a serious case of Negroisum or a extreme case of an inability to make sound and ethical decisions when it comes to performing duties while holding positions of great trust and authority.  Supervisors, School Board Members, Mayors, City Counsel Members, Ministers etc.  Paid or Unpaid some of these individuals are not understanding that they do not represent themselves, but are serving the people that voted for them and trust them to carry out the duties of their offices in a ethical manner.
Many say they should not be viewed differently because they are African American and are conducting themselves like many that hold those positions.  They should be held to a higher standard.  These individuals get elected or appointed to these positions and act as if they do not owe their Communities, Wives, Kids, Ancestors, and God anything.  They act like they have been given a pass to bring shame on their people by not matering Self Control.  Why is it that when some people get a position, money, or power they loose common sense and their ability to reason.  These people become arrogant and walk around with their asses on their backs thinking they are a ruler and can break any and ever Law they please.  It is no longer the people's money or budget.  "It is my budget!"  "I do not represent the Students in my district."  "I represent my dam self."  "I am Mr. or Miss. My Do Do Don't Stink and to hell with my husband, wife, community and race."  "Those So and SOs ain't done nothing but believe in me, support me, love me and elect me to represent them."  "What the hell is that?"  "I don't owe no body anything!"
Ofcourse no one is perfect, but most know right from wrong.  There are enough examples of this type of behavior for people to follow and not come in and make the same errors.  There should be a push for the communities that these Clowns represent to step up their efforts to hold them accountable.  Taring and feathering should not be left out.    

Pure Greed 1

I looked up Greed in my American Heritage Dictionary and Greed is defined as an excessive desire for more than one needs or deserve.  Also Greedy is wishing to possess more than one needs or deserves.
The pure Greed in the Greedy investors made it easy for 70 year old Bernard Madoff to swindle billions out of investors.  Someone lost their college tuition.  A couple lost their life savings of $3 million.  Others lost retirements and charitable contributions.
What thing other than Greed would make intelligent people give their money to this strange looking man?  How much money is enough?  If someone has millions of dollars that they would never live to spend and if a couble has enough money to retire and live comfortable, why would they risk all they have unless they were Greedy?  It is like the story about the dog who had a bone, came to a pond and saw his reflection.  He thought he saw another dog with a bone and wanted that dogs' bone.  While going after his own reflection, he lost his bone in the pond.
Had these so called victims been wiser, maybe they would not have lost any or all of their money.  This is a part of American Culture.  Some feel entitled to any and everything.  Not only money, but power.  Madoffs' Greed took over his conscious and caused him to feel entitled to take the investors money.  Do not lament or pity these Greedy individuals, but let us pour water on our own desire to obtain more than we need or deserve.

Pure Greed 2

I never knew how dangerous Pure Greed could be until I took the time to do more far reaching research.  Bernard Madoff was the author and publisher of the Largest Stock Fraud in history.  He fooled investors out of 65 Billion Dollars and is now serving a 150 year sentence at Butner Federal Prison in Butner North Carolina.  Madoff's would be victims range from the very wealthy to so called average working class Americans.  Whole families gave Madoff all of their money to manage.  Jewish Philanthropic organizations allowed Madoff to manage their investments. The one time non Exsecutive Chairman of NASDAQ ran a la git investment firm in the lipstick building in downtown Manhattan which his sons Mark and Andrew was running when the crap hit the fan.  Just a few floors below is where he centralized his Investment Advisory operation.  As early as 1960 Madoff became a Market Maker, but ran a side hustle as a Investment Adviser.  He offered his clients 18 percent return on their money.  Michael Bienes and Frank Avellino who worked as accountants with Madoff's father in-law where at the top of the pyramid issuing promisary notes to investors with a rate of return on them for their investment.  As they took on more investors, they made as much as 10 Million dollars a year.  Michael Bienes in a interview stated that they just took a little off the top.  "We were never Pigs."  he exclaimed.   I looked at him as he made this statement and could see barbee que sauce on his lips and shirt.  Even after they were shut down by the Securities and Exchange Commission and had to return 441 Million Dollars to their investors, they still were funneling investors to Madoff through another source.  All trails lead back to Madoff, but he was not investigated by the SEC though he had thousand of clients and managed billions of dollars, he made money for his clients no matter the conditions of the market and was not registered.  Harry Markopolos invested 4 hours of his time and figured out what the others willingly overlooked.  He contacted the SEC in 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 and 2008, but was not taken serious.  In 2007 the economy was sliding which forced many of Madoff clients to make withdrawals and when Madoff could not come up with the money his clients requested, the gig was up and on December 11 2008 he confessed to his sons and brother Peter that it all was a Lie.
     What part does his victims play in the scheme of things?  They take no responsibility for the part they played as Greedy Opportunist.  In Scam of the Century victims were interview.  All thinking they were set for life.  Joyce Greenburg and three generations of her family let Bernard Madoff manage all of their money.  Ms. Greenburg a stock Broker herself could not find anything wrong with Madoff's operation.  Just the fact that they made money with Madoff no matter if the market was up or down should have raised a red flag to a person with little knowledge of the Stock Market.   In Palm Beach Florida a playground for the wealthy where people are use to having it all, many a Madoff investor felt the after affects of loosing millions with Madoff.  Many ran to a near by pawn shop to off load some of their trinkets to obtain badly needed cash to sustain what is left of their lavish lifestyles.  A woman retired and moved to Florida expecting to live off of the Monopoly Money she made with Bernard Madoff ended up with no life savings and stuck with just her social security check.  When minds are clouded with Greed, the returns are good and everything seems to checkout, common sense and rational thinking is put on the back burner.  This created a perfect storm with the ad of the SEC turning a blind eye and a def ear.  This leads one to know that the rabbit hole goes farther then we know.  The victims wanted people to know that those that Madoff Duped are not just Rich and Greedy, but many are regular folk.  Greedy people come from all walks of life.  They to have a quest also to obtain more then they need or deserve.

President Obama can not save Blacks People and the Poor

If Black people and the Poor think that President Obama is going to save them, they are mistaken.  He could not have won the Presidency running as the so called Minority and Poor Folks candidate and will not win reelection as such.  Race and Class is still the defining issue in America.
Issues in the Black Community have long been complex and cultural.  The history of Black Folk in this country is well documented, but not talked about enough.  In addition to a Unemployment Rate nearly twice the national average, a high incarceration rate and other disproportionately negative statistics there is the long standing cultural issue of Disunity.  As long as there is not a willingness to take responsibility for the present situation in the Black Community, there will be a willingness to look for a Savior.  It is easier to take the sugar pill filled with pity and excuses then to take the bitter pill filled with responsibility and cooperation.
It is safe to assume that many Africans Americans thought that the election of President Obama would bring way more sensitivity to so called Minority issues.  The President is suppose to represent all Americans , but that has not been the case lately with his Administration and many before it.  His feet is being held to the fire by Dr. Cornel West who is taking the President to task for his inability to address the issues of the Poor and Unemployed.  Low voter turn out during the Mid-Term Elections has caused the President to have to make political deals with the Republicans in order to get some of his policies through.  Instead of complaining communities are going to have to relearn how to band together in these tough times.  If the Black Community is going to benefit from the Obama Presidency, there is some house cleaning to be done.  Charity begins at home.

Win One For The Gipper Is Roger Goodell and the NFL changing the game for the better

  In 1928 knute Rockne gave his famous "Win one for the Gipper" speech to try and inspire his players and salvage one of Notre Dame's worst seasons on record.  In his speech to his players he told the story about the death of former star player George Gipp.  He essentially said to his players that Gipp's last words to him was that whenever the chips are down and their backs are against the wall, they should have faith and summon the strength to win and where ever he is, he would see them and be happy.  Well, if the Gipper is watching what is happening to NFL Football with all of the rule changes, he would not be too happy.  Notre Dame did win that day against Army, but it was not done playing with the rule changes that have been made by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL.  Though Knute Rockne coached at the college level, these changes are affecting the way the game is played on all levels.  In order for Notre Dame to win on that day, they needed more then the Gipper watching over them.  They had to chop block, crackback, hit so called defenseless players, horse collar and more to come back and win the game.
     Roger Goodell replaced Paul Taglibue as NFL Commissioner August 8, 2006.  He has his own ideas about how the game should be played.  In 2010 he handed down fines to Steelers linebacker James Harrison, Falcons conerback Dunta Robinson, and Patriots safety Brandon Meriweather for being involved in controversial hits.  What is a controversial hit if they were playing the hard nose football that they have been playing all of their lives?  Even with the increases in concussions and mounting Law Suites against the league for not protecting players, the aggressive nature of this violent sport should be protected. Time and money should be invested in developing better equipment to protect the players.  Fans in the stands pay good money to see excitement and that includes bone crushing hits along with good plays. 
     Seems that he along with the chairman of the competition committee Rich Mckay are making an attempt to slow down the players in order to lessen the impact of the contact.  With the fair catch rule in affect the league has moved the kick off up.  Players that are much bigger, faster and stronger then when Knute Rockne was coaching can not reach top speed.  This is done in the name of safety and protection of the players.  They have instituted the Brady Rule and other restrictions on how a quarterback can be hit.  Of course this rule is applied to protect the leagues favored quarterbacks while not too many defensive players are flagged for late hitting Mike Vick.  Roughing the passer calls are left up to the officials and now NFL QB's are wearing Skirts.  If a defensive player pulls on a quarterbacks skirt too hard, the Ref's will throw a flag.  If said skirt is pulled down below the knees of said quarterback, the commissioner will fine said defensive player.  Rules changes for the 2012 season include expanding crackback protection, giving that player complete defenseless player protection.  Now the player can't be blocked in the head by another players head or blocked low.  Also instant replay review will be done by an official in the booth instead of one on the field.  This is suppose to speed up the game because the coach usually throws the red challenge flag after the TV time out.  For now football is still a contact sport, but one day soon the league may start putting flags on some players restricting them from any contact at all.  But what the hell do I know?  I never played the game.

The Affordable Care Act and Clarence Thomas

      June 28, 2012 The High Court upheld The Affordable Care Act in a 5 to 4 ruling.  The measure having been dubbed Obama-care requires Americans to carry Health Insurance.  The High Court ruled that requiring Americans to carry Health Insurance is valid as a tax, though it is impermissible under the Constitution's commerce clause.  Clarence Thomas dissented as usual with his conservative counterparts Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Anthony Kennedy.
     Clarence Thomas, only the second African American to sit on the High Court voting record reflect anything but his experience of being Black in America.  Maybe if he continue to vote in this manner, it will some how cause him to contract the disease Vitiligo that causes its victims to turn White. 
     Clarence Thomas was born in a Predominantly Black community founded by Freedmen after the end of the Civil War.  Pin Point, Ga the town he lived in lacked a sewage system and paved roads.  He was number 2 of 3 children born to M.C. Thomas, a farm worker, and Leola Williams a domestic worker.  They were descendants of slaves and spoke the Gullah language.  Two of Thomas's slave ancestors Sandy and Peggy were born the end of the 1800's and were owned by a wealthy Liberty, Georgia planter Josiah Wilson.  Thomas's father left his family when Thomas was 2 years old, leaving Thomas's mother to fend for the family while being paid pennies.  After being left homeless because of a house fire, Thomas along with his younger brother Myers went to live with his mothers parents in Savannah, Georgia.  At the age of 7 Thomas was sent to live with his maternal grandparents Myers and Christine Anderson. 
     Perhaps Thomas acquired the beginning's of his Black Conservative values from his grandfather who ran a successful fuel/oil business.  He believed in hard work and self reliance.  Thomas refers to his grandfather as the greatest man he ever knew.  Thomas was the only Black at his high school and a honor student.  He also was the first Black to attend St. Vianney's Minor Seminary in Savanah on the Isle of Hope.  He did not value his Yale Law Degree as much because when evaluated by whites, they cheapened it by saying that he did not receive his education because he was intelligent, but because of Affirmative Action.  Thomas was influenced by Thomas Sowell's book Race and Economics that criticized social reforms by the government and essentially argued for historically disadvantaged citizens pulling themselves up by their boot straps.  As Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from 1982 til 1990 he promoted a doctrine of self reliance and stopped the filings of class action lawsuits that held employers accountable for their discrimination practices.  In 1984 Thomas said that Black leaders were "watching the destruction of our race" as they "bitch, bitch, bitch" about President Reagan instead of Uncle Toming and doing the Sambo Shuffle.  Oh, I meant to say instead of working with the Reagan Administration to alleviate teenage pregnancy, unemployment and illiteracy. 
     Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Scalia had an 87.7 percent voting alignment from 1994 to 2004, the highest on the court which peaked in 1996, at 97.7.  There does not seem to be a change in his skin tone.  The last picture of him and the rest of the justices showed a more grey haired Thomas with no change in his dark skinned complexion.  Also Thomas was the third most dissenting Justice on the court, behind Scalia and Stevens from 1994 to 2004.
     Clarence Thomas is an example of many Super Negros that come from humble beginnings, educated themselves, succeeded, then forgot from whence they came.  They give maximum effort proving they belong on the same level as whites and are removed form their race and community in hope of reaching, in their own minds, the most lofty of goals; total assimilation.  Unfortunately, for them all of the Boot Licking and Buck Dancing will not change the color of their skin.  Fortunately for America Justice Clarence Thomas's vote did not keep true Justice from rolling down like a mighty stream.